
I'm working to have a combatant do a 4 way point patrol around a square. Nothing complex. 1, 2, 3, 4 and back to 1. The issue I'm having is it will travel around the square smoothly 'most of the time'. Then, seemly at random, it will pause, rotate left and right etc. then move on to the next way point. Is there something I should check to smooth this out? I just need a minimal pathing. Nothing complex :)

I've also tried it without a NavMesh agent, setting the Component Type to Default in the Move AI. The odd thing with this is that it will once again move around the way points fairly well, pausing randomly once in a while. But I have had it get to way point 1 and just spin in a circle. So I'm wondering if there are some settings in my Move AI that are off.

Move AI Settings:

Base Settings

Use Mode: Auto
Horizontal Plane: XZ

Move Range
Use Move Range: Disabled

Auto Stop Settings
Use Auto Stop: Disabled

Move Component Settings
Component Type: Default (tried both Default and NavMesh Agent. NavMesh Agent doesn't have the spinning problem :))
Add Component: Enabled

Speed Settings

Follow Speed: Run
Give Way Speed: Walk
Hunting Speed: Run
Flee Speed: Run
Waypoint Speed: Walk

Waypoint Settings
Stop Distance: 0.1
No Combatant Radius: Enabled
Reset Times(s): 1
Enable Random Patrol: Disabled

Idle Settings
Enable Idle: Enabled
Idle Behaviour 0
Move Event: moveAI_Idle_02
Chance: 25
(I don't recall adding this to previous Move AIs. Is this new?)

No Group Settings Enabled

No Enemy Detection

Target Position Check
Ignore Height Distance: Enabled
No Combatant Radius: Disabled
Target Lost Intervals(s): 1
Lost Position Check: Enabled
Check 0
Interval(s): 0
Minimum Distance: 0
Check 1
Interval(s): 0.2
Minimum Distance: 2
Check 1
Interval(s): 0.5
Minimum Distance: 5
Check 3
Interval(s): 1
Minimum Distance: 10

Most of these settings are based off the Move AI tutorial.


  • Idle Settings
    Enable Idle: Enabled
    Idle Behaviour 0
    Move Event: moveAI_Idle_02
    Chance: 25
    (I don't recall adding this to previous Move AIs. Is this new?)
    This is likely causing it, as 25% of the time it will do an idle behaviour.
    ORK user since 2014. Patron since 2018.
  • @artainx Yep, that was it. Thank you! I haven't gotten into AI Behaviours yet. Like I said above, I don't recall adding the Idle settings. But then again, that really doesn't mean anything because I set several of them up over a year ago :)

    Thanks so much for point that out!
  • edited March 2017
    Np :)
    Post edited by artainx on
    ORK user since 2014. Patron since 2018.
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