I am currently using Ootii Camera controller and it requires to have the cam inside a Empty called CamRig.
(CameraRig-Main camera)
What I am doing is in a event instead of moving the camera I am moving the Parent (CameraRig) which has the camera attached.
I am currently getting this error at build: (The screen goes blank/dark and the dev log says :)
"Screen position out of view frustum. . ."
A error shows up within the editor also but the screen still works and gameplay seems fine ( Error within editor Below )
transform.position assign attempt for 'Camera Rig' is not valid. Input position is { NaN, NaN, NaN }.
Can you make sense of this for me?
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The "Rotate to" was what I was trying to do. Which was once the Cam Rig Got to the Position, I wanted it to target a object/player. So using the Rotate to Node worked !!!!
Thank You!