edited January 2019 in ORK Support
So there are some especially long cutscenes in RFI that the player might need to rewatch several times (like cutscenes before a particularly difficult boss battle, for example!).

I've mentioned the idea of having an optional 'Cutscene Skip' button in an event that automatically stops the current event/step.
The way I see it working would be like an alternate 'Start' step that is automatically used as soon as the Player decides to push the Skip button.
Let's say this is a chain of steps in a cutscene:
- Player enters a cutscene.
- Player speaks with NPC
- Player does some animations
- Player speaks some more with NPC
- Player does some animations.
- Player begins a boss fight.
The Player presses the skip button here:
- Player enters a cutscene.
- Player speaks with NPC
- Player does some animations
- Player speaks some more with NPC <----------
- Player does some animations.
- Player begins a boss fight.
Skip Button Start Steps:
- Close all Dialogue
- Fade Screen Out
- Move Player/NPCs/etc to appropriate places on screen.
- Whatever other setup needs to be done.
- Fade Screen In
- Player begins a boss fight.


But without such a tool; what would be the best way to tackle a skippable cutscene with the tools we have now?

It would basically have to be able to cancel the current event being played, and then probably restart the same event with a different local variable set (SkipCutscene=TRUE, for example). Then at the beginning of the event, you check for that variable and if True, immediately fade and skip to the end of the event.

But is there a good method to check for the 'Skip' button input being pressed, and to have that input reset the current event with a local variable difference? If that makes sense? :D
Post edited by Kirb on
Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
  • Hm, I think you can do this via a 2nd event that stops the cutscene event by destroying its game object (needs to have Stop On Destroy enabled in the event interaction).

    E.g. set up a global event that is started via an input key, maybe add a variable condition to have control over when this is allowed. The game event itself can use an Object actor with Find Object enabled to search for the cutscene game object, e.g. via tag or name.

    If you're doing cutscenes via Makinom, you even have more control over this and can use the optional End Slots of the settings node to do additional tasks when stopping the schematic.
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  • Thanks; I'll give this method a go and see how it works out.
    Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
    Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
    I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
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