In ORK2 is there any way built in with a button or something else to delete a save file? For PC and Mac desktop this would be very helpful as the files at least on PC that store save files in Unity are hidden and you can't expect the average player to know how to show hidden files and find the save files they'd need to delete manually. Players should have an in-game option to delete a save file. IMHO.

You told me the info I'd need to make my own button but I think the ability to make such a button should be available in the editor if it isn't.

Is it there in ORK2? Just working my way through the ORK2 tutorials.

Also in betatesting this is absolutely necessary on PC. I'm using a button I made in ORK1 but wishing for a premade one in ORK2. Thanks.
Post edited by Catacomber on
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