edited June 2014 in ORK Support
Hello guys!
I'm building a dungeon map! If i set battle areas with teleport to battle arena, everything is smooth (loading, combatants etc...). But if i use a prefab to move the player into battle arena (like a wandering monster), that prefab is moved to battle arena together with the player and enemy combatants: i saw him moving out of the arena, and when the player kills his opponents, he pursues that prefab with a fast sliding effect and going out of seen... When the battle is finished, in the previous scene the prefab has disappeared, as it should be, but its presence in battle arena is not needed at all.. Any suggestions on how to sort this?

Thanks, have a nice day! :)
  • Have you tried using the Combatant Spawner for that?
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  • I will as soon as i can! I didn't thought it was possible to use the spawner to start a battle arena..
  • edited June 2014
    They can start a battle right where you run into them (using the default start events), or you can use a battle arena object (with a Battle component) that will be used.
    If using an arena object, the battle uses the settings/positions of the arena (but not the enemy settings :D).
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • Here i am! ^_^
    I tried to use combatant spawner, i changed some settings, but results have been quite bizzarre: enemies spawning just when entering the area, battles starting from really far...
    I'd just like to have an area with combatants moving in random paths and starting the battle only if the player touches them... Can it be done? And, its it possible to do some basic random movement, like cross, vertical, square directly in ORK? If i attach a custom script to enemy it keeps moving even in battle. :)
  • Change the Battle Start Range in the settings of the combatants if the battles are starting from too far away.
    You can do movement using the Move AI, either completely random, or by giving them waypoints to follow.
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  • I'm still unexperienced: i tried various settings but i cannot do it. I will postpone this. :)

    However, i changed the range, it is still starting at about 1 Unit (2-3 of my tiles) even if i change both battle start settings in player and enemy... About waypoints, i cannot set them properly, do i need to have waypoints for each enemy? Can't it move simple inside a circle around spawn point? i tried also to move it with random script but had tons of errors. :D
  • If you don't enable the No Combatant Radius setting in the battle range, the box radius of both combatants will also be added to the range.

    Combatants can also randomly patrol around their spawn point, disable From Current Position in the move AI's Waypoint Settings.
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