For the rigidbody step, is there a way to make a gameobject go from slow to fast?
For example sake, I did a simple cube dropping from the sky and everytime I click on it, it will go up for a bit and come down, and it will keep going up depending on if I click it or not.
When it came down, it's dropping in the same speed, I want it to first start slow and boom, go fast. I know this can be done via the change direction, changing the interpolation, but due to certain unwanted thing happening when done this way, I want to do it via rigidbody.
Is there a way?
My old entry for Indie Game Making Contest 2015
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And ah Kirby, that could do it too, but before I try that, I'm just curious if the event system can already do it or not.
To rephrase what i said, I have a simple cube that at play, drop from the sky. If I click it before it reaches the ground, the interact event will occur, making the cube go up and back down. If I don't want it to touch the ground, I just have to keep clicking on it. All this part done. The problem is that when the cube drop back down, I want it to slowly increase its dropping speed.
I'm not expert at all with scripting, but if you use a custom script you could raise speed every time a click is made...
Initial speed = speed = 1
On click : new speed = speed + 0.1
I think you could achieve this even by event if you have no custom script... But i'm not sure about the process, i haven't Unity here at the moment. :)
My old entry for Indie Game Making Contest 2015