edited June 2014 in ORK Support
For the rigidbody step, is there a way to make a gameobject go from slow to fast?
For example sake, I did a simple cube dropping from the sky and everytime I click on it, it will go up for a bit and come down, and it will keep going up depending on if I click it or not.
When it came down, it's dropping in the same speed, I want it to first start slow and boom, go fast. I know this can be done via the change direction, changing the interpolation, but due to certain unwanted thing happening when done this way, I want to do it via rigidbody.
Is there a way?
  • I didn't understand well.. But i think with event interaction and rigidbody steps you can achieve this..
  • edited June 2014
    Writing a small script that you can use with the Call Function node to add mass (or drag!) to the rigidbody with each click may be what you're looking for.
    Post edited by Kirb on
    Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
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  • edited June 2014
    Sorry Kaemalux, I was in a rush to go somewhere, so I just rush type it.
    And ah Kirby, that could do it too, but before I try that, I'm just curious if the event system can already do it or not.
    To rephrase what i said, I have a simple cube that at play, drop from the sky. If I click it before it reaches the ground, the interact event will occur, making the cube go up and back down. If I don't want it to touch the ground, I just have to keep clicking on it. All this part done. The problem is that when the cube drop back down, I want it to slowly increase its dropping speed.
    Post edited by zyzz on
  • Are you using an external script for dropping?
    I'm not expert at all with scripting, but if you use a custom script you could raise speed every time a click is made...
    Initial speed = speed = 1
    On click : new speed = speed + 0.1
    I think you could achieve this even by event if you have no custom script... But i'm not sure about the process, i haven't Unity here at the moment. :)
  • Ahh I see, thanks for the hint, Kaemalux. I'll try messing around some more and see if I can do it.
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