Hello, Currently working through a problem setting up menu screens. The issues is: When I go into the Menu and Select Equipment I get a error: [ Argument out of range : Argument is out of Range. ] *********************************************************************** ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ORKFramework.EquipShortcut].get_Item (Int32 index) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono-runtime-and-classlibs/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/List.cs:633) ORKFramework.Menu.Parts.EquipmentMenuPart.SelectionChanged (Int32 index, ORKFramework.GUIBox origin) ORKFramework.Menu.Parts.EquipmentMenuPart.ShowEquips () ORKFramework.Menu.Parts.EquipmentMenuPart.SelectionChanged (Int32 index, ORKFramework.GUIBox origin) ORKFramework.Menu.Parts.EquipmentMenuPart.ShowTypes () ORKFramework.Menu.Parts.EquipmentMenuPart.Show () ORKFramework.Menu.Parts.EquipmentMenuPart.Show (ORKFramework.Menu.MenuScreen s) ORKFramework.Menu.MenuScreen.Show () ORKFramework.Menu.MenuScreen.Show (IEventStarter starter) ORKFramework.Menu.MenuScreenItem.Selected (ORKFramework.Menu.MenuScreen origin) ORKFramework.Menu.MenuScreen.Closed () ORKFramework.Menu.MenuScreen.Tick () ORKFramework.MenuHandler.Tick () ORKFramework.ORKCore.FireTick () ORKFramework.ORKHandler.Update () *********************************************************************** So, I am pretty sure I followed everything, but as always what am I over looking. :(... Thanks in Advance
Post edited by gameintern on June 2014
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NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
UnityEngine.GUIContent..ctor (UnityEngine.GUIContent src) (at C:/BuildAgent/work/aeedb04a1292f85a/artifacts/EditorGenerated/GUIContentBindings.cs:72)
ORKFramework.ContentLayout.GetChoiceContent (IShortcut content, ORKFramework.Combatant combatant)
ORKFramework.Menu.Parts.EquipmentMenuPart.CreateEquipChoices ()
ORKFramework.Menu.Parts.EquipmentMenuPart.ShowEquips ()
ORKFramework.Menu.Parts.EquipmentMenuPart.ChoiceSelected (Int32 index, ORKFramework.GUIBox origin)
ORKFramework.DialogueContent.OkPressed ()
ORKFramework.DialogueContent.Tick ()
ORKFramework.GUIBox.Tick (Single t)
ORKFramework.GUIHandler.Tick (Single t)
ORKFramework.GUIHandler.Tick ()
ORKFramework.ORKCore.FireTick ()
ORKFramework.ORKHandler.Update ()
What is happening is, I go into Equipment Weapon the first error remains and this error is when I try and select a Weapon etc...
Note that I Changed Display box Settings to Sequence because if I leave it on Multi when using the down arrows it Over moves in the list.
I took a look at this thread regarding Menu Screens:
I unchecked First Element along with Checking All Weapons /Armor
It seems to be working at the moment.
I took a look at this thread regarding Menu Screens:
I unchecked First Element along with Checking All Weapons /Armor
It seems to be working at the moment.
I don/t see any errors thus far.
So if following the Tutorial this may help Fix
Thanks Gil :)