I just purchased Loading Screen Pro, downloaded the Makinom extension script for it, but it doesn't seem to work.

I get this error on download.

[CompilerError] The name 'PlayfulSystems' does not exist in the current context
Compiler Error at Assets\Gaming Is Love\Makinom 2\Plugins\Scripts\LoadingScreenProWrapper.cs:31 column 5
29: if(tmp != "")
30: {
-->31: PlayfulSystems.LoadingScreen.LoadingScreenConfig.loadingSceneName = tmp;
32: }
Currently making: Real-Time Diablo-like ARPG
  • edited January 2022
    Hi @Solkyoshiro, I don't have that asset, but looks to me the PlayfulSystems is or was a namespace that might be renamed or removed from Loading Screen Pro scripts, if you have Visual Studio try deleting the PlayfulSystems part, then select the "LoadingScreen" word and press Ctr+. (Control + Dot Keys) to see what VS suggest to add as using statement.
    Post edited by RustedGames on
  • edited January 2022
    Yep, the namespace changed, try changing:
    PlayfulSystems.LoadingScreen.LoadingScreenConfig.loadingSceneName = tmp;
    Sharklib.LoadingScreen.LoadingScreenConfig.loadingSceneName = tmp;
    in your script
    Post edited by RustedGames on
  • Thanks for letting me know.
    I'm not keeping track for changes in all the assets, so if any plugin/extension no longer works with new versions, just let me know and I'll fix it.

    I've updated the plugin to version 1.0.1 to fix this issue :)
    Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found.
    If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
  • Excellent and fast work as always!

    Can we suggest extensions/plugins for Ork 3 or you going to leave to totally up to makers and the community?
    Currently making: Real-Time Diablo-like ARPG
  • Sure, you can suggest stuff :)
    Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found.
    If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
  • Suggestions for Extensions/Plugins @gamingislove :

    - Enviro - Sky and Weather (connect Enviro time to Makinom time plus schematics for changing weather)
    - Leaning Animator (let it automatically access move/speed so no coding is needed)
    - Ground Fitter (Advanced system for fitting to ground and IK for terrain angles)
    - The Vegetation Engine (schematics)
    - Shift UI (Easy connection from Ork components onto Shift UI elements)
    - Crux: Procedural Spawner (Let Crux either use Ork spawners or native compatibility)
    - Steamworksv2 (Make the two easily talk to each other, plus schematics)
    - Playmaker (Plug-in for native functionality and schematics)
    - Slate Cinematic Sequencer (Schematics and Wrapper)
    - Dinofracture - (Schematics for activation and plugin for automatically adding components)
    - Sensor Toolkit (Plugin to allow extra sensors to be picked up by Ork)
    - Emerald A.I (Connect Emerald A.I to Move A.I and such)
    Currently making: Real-Time Diablo-like ARPG
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