Hi :-)
Is there some ETA for ORK 3.2 compatibility with the newest LTS version of Unity (2021.3.2f1)?
Maybe it's just my problem, but Makinom/ORK 3 UI module is no longer working properly in 2021.3.x. When saving the prefab, the script breaks.
Steps to reproduce:
1. create UI Box in scene (Makinom > UI Box > any option)
2. do whatever you want with it
3. create prefab from it (drag & drop it into project window)
4. link to script is lost in prefab ("Prefab is missing script")
WARNING in console:
Prefab instance data layout did not match data layout of the prefab template.
Merging has been done using safe functions but data might be lost. Please validate your objects
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
ERROR in console:
Disconnecting is no longer implemented
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
For the DLL files, reimport the folder Assets/Gaming Is Love/Makinom 2/. For your UI prefabs, where ever you stored them :)
Generally, ORK 3.2 is compatible with Unity 2021.3 - next update will fix some editor warnings/errors that occur in Unity 2021 (but have no impact on functionality).
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