I was using the following HUDCustomOrderListComponent.
I upgraded ORK3.8 from around ORK3.6 to deal with other bugs, and I started getting compilation errors.
I think Gil changed the spawnedPrefabs in BaseHUDListContentComponent to KeyValuePair.

Before modification<< var orderStruct = (OrderStruct)x.User;
After modification>> var orderStruct = (OrderStruct)x.Value.User;

After this modification, x.Value.User becomes Null and Project fails at various points.
How can this be addressed?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using GamingIsLove.Makinom.Components;
using GamingIsLove.Makinom;
using System.Linq;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;

public class HUDCustomOrderListComponent : BaseHUDListContentComponent<TextContent>
//ReactiveCollection<OrderStruct> observableOrders;
//System.IDisposable updateSubscribe;
Content functions
public override void UpdateContent()
if (this.contentProvider == null)
if (this.gameObject.activeSelf)
if (!this.gameObject.activeSelf)

var orderStructListNoCast = Maki.Game.SelectedData.Get("OrderStruct");
if (orderStructListNoCast != null)
var orderStructList = orderStructListNoCast.Cast<OrderStruct>().ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < orderStructList.Count(); i++)
// すでにCustomerがOrder済でない場合のみCreate
bool yetSpawned = !spawnedPrefabs.Any(x =>
var orderStruct = (OrderStruct)x.Value.User;
return !orderStructList.Any(y => y.orderedCombatant.GetName() == orderStruct.orderedCombatant.GetName());
if (yetSpawned)
var createdPrefab = CreatePrefab(i, settings.prefab, orderStructList[i]);

var deletedPrefab = spawnedPrefabs.Where(x =>
var orderStruct = (OrderStruct)x.Value.User;
return !orderStructList.ToArray().Any(y =>
return y.orderedCombatant.GetName() == orderStruct.orderedCombatant.GetName();
foreach (var item in deletedPrefab.ToArray())

if (spawnedPrefabs.Count() > 0 && orderStructListNoCast == null)
foreach (var prefabHUDContentsProvider in spawnedPrefabs)

Register functions
async public override void Register()
await UniTask.DelayFrame(3);
if (!this.isRegistered)
Maki.Game.SelectedData.DataChanged += this.MarkUpdateContent;

public override void Unregister()
if (this.isRegistered)
Maki.Game.SelectedData.DataChanged -= this.MarkUpdateContent;
  • edited October 2022
    Yes, ORK 3.8 (or rather Makinom 2.9) changed a few things for the HUD list components. Probably best check the code of one of ORK's built-in HUD list components to see what changed.
    Also, there's now a HUD Selected Data List component available to use selected data as HUD content.

    As for your code - it's hard for me to tell what's wrong, since I don't know your OrderStruct data and how it's created.
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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