Which Unity version are you using? Mono Develop hasn't been part of Unity for a few years now ...
Checked it on my end and works fine - which version of A* are you using?
Also, can you give me some details on the errors you're getting? You can copy them out of the Unity console.
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I just did this not long ago, and if I remember correctly (and we're talking about the same script), I think you need to change the first 3 'AIPath' references to 'IAstarAI' (leave the AddComponent one as 'AIPath')
Checked it on my end and works fine - which version of A* are you using?
Also, can you give me some details on the errors you're getting? You can copy them out of the Unity console.
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unity 2020.3.25f1
and error is "the sript needs to derive monobehaviour"
public class MoveComponent : IMovementComponent
private Makinom_AstarAIPath_MovementComponentSetting setting;
private IAstarAI aiPath;
public MoveComponent(GameObject gameObject, Makinom_AstarAIPath_MovementComponentSetting setting)
this.setting = setting;
this.aiPath = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<IAstarAI>();
if(this.aiPath == null)
this.aiPath = gameObject.GetComponentInParent<IAstarAI>();
if(this.aiPath == null &&
this.aiPath = gameObject.AddComponent<AIPath>();
no errors rn
As far as I know, it only shows up in Base/Control > Game Controls > 'Move To Interaction'
and in Ork Combatants' Movement Component Settings.