edited December 2013 in ORK Support
I believe I've run into an issue with realtime combat:

Using an ability that spawns a prefab (that contains a Damage Dealer) through a battle event, and then adding the 'Activate Damage Dealer' step in the battle event to activate the prefab's damage dealer; completely crashes my Unity 100% of the time.

Can anybody else working with Realtime combat confirm the issue? It's putting a pretty big damper on my efforts to integrate combat. :(
Post edited by Kirb on
Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
  • I confirm! I had the same issue adding 'Activate Damage Dealer' to a battle envent.
  • Yup, that's a bug, I'll look into it!
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  • Awesome, thanks GiL.
    Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
    Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
    I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
  • And here's the fix: beta17a
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  • edited December 2013
    You are a gentleman and a scholar. Have a good Christmas!

    Edit: Crashing issue is fixed, but for some reason I still can't get Damage Dealers to do any damage to damage zones, even when the activate step is used... Frogames, do you have this issue as well?

    Edit2: 'Reuse after' still seems busted on my end; I have the ability set to a time of 5 seconds, but you can spam it over and over. My flow for this all is having the player attack with a weapon, but the weapon is overridden with an ability, if that makes a difference.
    Post edited by Kirb on
    Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
    Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
    I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
  • Ah ha!!!
    I've found the issue! :D

    After doing a ton of experimenting, I've discovered that:

    If using a weapon (let's say FireSword), which in the Attack Settings is then overridden by a skill (FireSwordAttack); it will not trigger correctly in real time combat. In addition, it seems that many things set in the Ability 'FireSwordAttack' will not work, including 'Reuse After!'

    I found this out after getting rid of the weapon and just using 'FireSwordAttack' directly, without having it overwrite the FireSword's attack. It worked just as it should, dealing damage and even having the cooldown.

    So I guess the bug is in Overriding weapon attacks with abilities!

    Glad to finally have figured that out, it was driving me nuts. :P
    Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
    Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
    I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
  • Can't confirm this bug - the correct ability is used when overriding a combatant's base attack with weapons.
    But base attacks and counters don't use stuff like an ability's combo settings or the 'Reuse After' setting. I'll change that for the official release :)
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  • edited December 2013
    GiL; the correct ability is indeed used with the override; but specifically, the ability does not work with Activate Damage Dealer, sorry for not being more specific earlier, I was pretty tired. :P

    Basically, if I try to use the ability as a weapon override, the ability's animation will play fine, BUT the damage dealer won't have any affect on enemies. If I use it as a skill only, the damage dealer works perfectly.
    Post edited by Kirb on
    Tactics RPG Grid Battle System for ORK
    Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
    I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
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