Great product and looking forward to using it. Bought it on the basis it will help plug a gap in my knowledge, particularly in coding etc.
I have followed the ActionRPG Tutorial and digested the working game package but i am struggling to then set up a mixamo character and place in the scene and move it with animation.
I have also followed the tutorial in the forum on importing a mixamo character to no avail.
Any help gratefully received as i'd like to move past getting a working player into the scene...
my setup is as below
Ive imported a mixamo character Arissa with male locomotion files - imported idle/walk/run animations . These all animate in the animator fine linked to the blend of Speed
Ive then got the game controller set up as below
Character set up
Combatant setup
Animator setup
then in game i get this - T Pose - it rotates with the keys but no animation or movement
Any help gratefully received - ive been banging my head against a wall for almost a week now.
All the animations and movements work fine in the tutorial when i open that package up with the Ellen character
Anyway, I do a quick test to make my model look like your problem.
It's the animation state that is playing doesn't have an animation in it, but your blend tree doesn't look like is missing animation so do you have other states before changing to that blend tree?
this is what i have as the first state
Check 3 animations of that blend tree, if not then something missing with your Ork setup.
Thanks - it was the parameter i didnt have Speed set up right - plus animation for walk and run were not on Loop.
Phew - now can get on with creating - many thanks for looking at this! Just got to get the gravity sorted out
And good to know animation not looping also cause this problem.