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  • 36) I double checked the Ability and Status Effect of the buff, there is No consumable being changed, Except for Use Costs on the ability. When I disable Use Cost, it fixes it and Check Target Count greater than 0 Fails as it should after Use Atta…
  • I think since the NPC is turning to the Player, we know the Interaction Machine is being triggered or it would not turn. Have you made a new schematic from scratch? Even just swap the schematic out for a 1 node Unity Console. Since you are seeing b…
  • 36) Sorry that was confusing! I was trying to make a distinction between "enemy faction" and "enemy of the user of the battle ai" and then talking about "ally" referring to the ability settings which are actually buffing the Enemy Faction lol. Let…
  • @ChimpLogik Are there conditions set on the interaction? Double check that the correct schematic is there. Also double check the npc game object, maybe you updated the prefab but it didn't update in scene, I've had that happen.
  • @dunebug so you have an ability menu you can access in the field, I assume if you control map that, it works in battle too? Meaning it has its own menu settings and own UI box for a different menu, so if it works it's not the ability or type with th…
  • @lonewolf_cat 2) Do you see it change ever at other times? Try looking in inspector at the variable. If how/where you're displaying it does not have access to it, it will display as default, probably 0, or blank. It's possible that what you're usi…
  • @frednorm2000 sounds like you need more logic in the formula. Without knowing what your variable signifies it's hard to say how to do it. Might have to wait for the expert to answer :) If the variable is choosing the faction like a flag, it's alrea…
  • 37) Random Mecanim animation I have 2 death animations on Mecanim animation setup and it plays them both, though it does start with one randomly. There is only one Mecanim animation set as Type Death, which has 2 animations under it. I disabled t…
  • @frednorm2000 in the Phase Battle settings you can choose combatant order based on variables. Makinom->Battles->Battle System->Phase (assuming that's what you left the name of your battle system as) -> Phase Order There you can do Ph…
  • If it were a Condition somewhere blocking the ability, your control map key shouldn't work either though. It's hard to make sense of why the control map key still works if it's an ability issue. Unless perhaps the ability is like assigned to the Sh…
  • @ChimpLogik in the ability Battle Settings ->Reuse settings there is Set on-> Calculation which says it's at the same time Use costs are calculated. Maybe set Auto Consume to "No" under User Settings, then perhaps it won't activate the reuse u…
  • 36) UAB That's just it though it's getting a found target when the only ability used during battle is the NPC Ally/group buff. Edit again for clarity and after double checking nodes for mistakes; Brand new battle: Player only presses Do Nothing …
  • 36) Use Attacked By Battle AI node It seems like Use Attacked By (User) counts any combatant that applies a Status Effect on the user? Including allies / buffs. Meaning an ally buffing the user, the buff Status Effect appears to cause them to be a…
  • @lonewolf_cat the scroll is handled in the UI Box there is a component Scroll Rect in the object Scroll View that you can set the horizontal scrollbar in, but you need a bar to set there since the one it has now is vertical. Probably faster to jus…
  • @Aaron you can select the base counter chance for all combatants in Battles->Battle System->General Settings->Chances & Factors -> Base Counter Chance This can use a Formula instead of setting a value there, or use a Status Value to…
  • @lonewolf_cat sorry the image is gone so I'm not exactly sure which menu you are referring to. When you say you changed the HUD settings, you mean in the editor under UI->HUDs and changed the layout? If there is a UI Box that the HUDs are bein…
  • @ChimpLogik have you tried hitting pause during play mode in editor and looking at the shortcut in inspector? Maybe that could at least show you the outlines of all the UI aren't overlapping and you can see that nothing is disabled like the button s…
  • @lonewolf_cat there is a built in compass called Navigation Bar. You can use markers on it and stuff too. I'm having trouble finding an Ork3 tutorial for it, try Googling some forum posts for some ideas on the markers. Create the Navigation HUD thr…
  • @fourscoopsplease hmm the tooltip on that node says equipment will be unequipped, is that why the weapon skill is lost? Are the classes equippable or or just assigned in combatants? Perhaps it is unequipping the class as well on initialization so …
  • Happy new year!