Hey all! I switched to the New UI for my ORK menus, but the text on any inactive buttons will not fade. I found this thread (http://forum.makinom.com/discussion/2084/solved-inactive-button-text-in-menus-issue) which confirmed my hunch that the "fade button children" option is what I need, but setting it to anything has no effect.

I'm in Unity 5.5 with an up-to-date ORK. My button prefab uses sprite swap, but even the one from standard assets doesn't fade correctly. My inactive color is set to a half-alpha grey. I've tried a few colors for that, and for the text color. It stays opaque.

Any thoughts on what im overlooking are appreciated.
  • There's no inactive color/alpha setting in ORK when using the new UI, this depends on the color used by the button when it's inactive. Since you're using sprite swap, it doesn't change the button's color, thus not changing the child objects.
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  • Sorry GiL, I think I'm misunderstanding. The text on the button is a child of the button, right? And the fade child function only works when the button prefab uses color tint, not sprite swap? Neither prefab setting does the trick, and setting the fade children to alpha or color doesn't change anything either. My button text is always the full-alpha text color.

    Also, in the New UI under Menu Settings > Default GUI Box Settings I do still see a Default Inactive Colors. I may be misinterpreting it's use though.
  • edited April 2017
    The inactive color settings are for tinting a complete GUI box that's currently not focused, e.g. when a menu screen switches from the type to the item selection box.

    The color for an inactive button comes from the button component on the prefab.
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • Thanks GiL!

    That makes a lot of sense about the GUI box - that was a total brain fart on my end.

    As for the buttons, I do get the button image to change color and/or opacity in the different states (active, inactive, hover, etc) when I use either Sprite Swap or Color Tint. That's going great. However, nothing in the New GUI options seems to affect the text on top of that button. It was my understanding that Fade Children would do this, but it's not doing so for me. So I have menus with buttons that change, but the text on top always stays bright white. Is there anything I can do in the New UI ORK settings to adjust that?
  • edited April 2017
    No, just setting the Fade Button Children to alpha or color and having the inactive color set on the button component (for color tint) should be all there is to it. Working fine on my end.
    I'd need a test Unity project to investigate ...
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • Okay, thanks GiL! Glad I'm not completely off base. I'll tidy some things up and try to get you a project to look at. :)
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