I looking for an Script to aktivate an Abilitie with a c# script,
i will use the new GUI 4.6 elements and i have define some Buttons in this.
now i will iterate at all useable abilities from this combatant
for (int a=0; a < abbilities.length; a++)
.......init the Buttons , Icons and tool tip, cast time !!!!
and in the next i will activate the abbilities with a script function.
my Project target is an Action rpg Setting !
i hope you understand my questions and some one can help me.
please help
thank you
mmh ok no Response,
no idea?
i Need a liitle bit help.
i create a button with UGui 4.6 , how can i write a code that "start" a abillity
and how can a write a Iteration the abbilities!?
i will create my costum gui Interface out of box.
thank you
Once you have the combatant, you can get the abilities, e.g. this code gets a list of all abilities that can be used in battle:
List<AbilityShortcut> abilities = combatant.Abilities.GetAbilities(UseableIn.Battle);
The AbilityShortcut class contains all information on the ability and has functions to let you use it.
Alternatively, you can also use the built-in shortcut slot system to do this, using a Combatant type HUD with a Shorcut HUD element added to display them.
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