I was wondering if its possible to use the ORK framework in a modular fashion, e.g. use items, menus and store/shop features, but not the events, spawning or battle aspects, etc.
If so what are the minimum requirements for use?
Wonderful framework, thank you for your time and effort, btw!
Thank you,
Boysenberry Payne
Many people have integrated playmaker and other such assets with ORK and used them together depending on their needs.
E.g. if you don't want to use battles, just don't add them to your scenes and they wont be used.
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Just as an FYI also, I asked this just to avoid 'painting myself into a corner' so to speak. I am working on developing a game using random voxel terrain generation so a lot of the typical level building considerations are different for me being approached from a procedural standpoint. In particular spawning and nav-path generation aren't fixed the same way they are in static terrains; so I will need to use my own solutions for those issues and others probably.