I have everything set up per the tutorial. I chose the manual option of adding the controller, 'is Trigger' selected and also has a trigger on my target for a dialogue. It's not working, plus during runtime and scene view the interaction controller has '0' interactions even though I made one using the event>Dialogue steps . What's going on?
Make sure you have a Rigidbody component attached to the interaction controller.
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Yes the rigid body component is there and it has the interaction controller script and the box collider has the 'is trigger' option checked. I don't know what else to try.
When testing, pause the game when you're sure the interaction controller should have interactions and check the position of the box and the event object in the scene view. Maybe there's a problem with the positioning.
The event object will also need a collider or character controller - otherwise there's nothing that will enter the IC trigger.
Post edited by gamingislove on
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Maybe there's a problem with the positioning.
The event object will also need a collider or character controller - otherwise there's nothing that will enter the IC trigger.
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