Hi fellers,
I was wondering with all my ideas, having my player already in the scene will be easier than spawning him. I'm just curious if down the road that will end up hurting me (ex. Ork eventually not being able to execute commands or what not). I still have him as a combatant, but the external scripts I'm using (playmaker fsms which I NEED coz I'm not trying to recreate all that work in Ork) forces me to just have my combatant already placed in scene. If/when he dies, I'll just have him revived. So not having a player spawner won't hurt right? Now or in the future...
I use an MMO type controller I purchased from the Unity Asset store and I use it in ORK. To add your controller to ORK, in the ORK Editor, go to Base/Control > Game Controls. Scroll down to Custom Controls.
Select where the script component is placed - on the player or the camera - in the dropdown next to Placed On. Since both of mine are on the player prefab, I have Player selected. It sounds like yours my be as well.
Enter the name of the actual component/script that's on your player prefab in the Behaviour Name field. Mine is 'RPGController' for example. Also for mine I added a second Custom Control for the camera script as well, and selected Player as Placed On.
As far as Blocking, I had to set Blocked By (n the Custom Controls mentioned above) to Camera for BOTH the controller and camera. And, for some reason, I had to add a 3rd Custom Control and set Blocked By Player to be sure I couldn't move in combat.
I hope this helps. I'm sure other, more knowledgeable members than myself, can give you some direction as well :)
I don't think that FSMs are compatible with ORK though. Also, I have no clue how to use plugins but there might be something with the scripting tuts.
@robahouston Yeah I did try a basic movement script last week and it plugged in well. However the movement sucks it just jumps from one direction to another with no smooth transition. The only controller I had work smoothly so far was the playmaker one, sadly. My project is stuck for now I guess. But thanks for the advice. If anyone has success with Real time battles AND AI both neutral and aggressive, please let me know. In the time being I'm gonna take a break from Ork.
ORK.Game.ActiveGroup.Leader.GameObject = this.gameObject;
Also, when not spawning the player through ORK, you probably wont be able to use stuff like scene changers and spawn points.
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ORK has everything you need to make a great game. I know how you feel about using assets you've bought. I have many I've bought that turned out to be not the best for my game even though they are very nice. For whatever reason--high polycount on mobile--missized meshes--too bland colors---awkward animations, errors when imported, whatever.
And because I'd done a lot of work getting them set up in my game--I was reluctant to part with them until I realized I'm making a game that has to work and work well and look good, especially on mobile.
I have to go with what works and let's me get my game done. It's a learning process. I hope you will hang in there with ORK even if it means progressing slowly.
I don't really know how to make Playmaker integrate well with ORK --if there's a way to make your life easier, that's great.
But if it doesn't work or is too stressful to make it work, I've found that starting fresh sometimes and using what does work is the best.