just set up each battle area with a different event to load the battle scene your talking about. each event would need to be different with the correct level loaded in. an if its all done with in the current scene then just chose your groups or the monsters you wants spawning from the battle area set up.
Either that, or (as the tutorial suggests at the end) use a variable to store the scene you want to load. You can e.g. set the variable to the scene you want to laod using Trigger Enter interactions.
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I personally use a Trigger Enter with Area Changer + Change variable step (use a global one, like combatArea and set it to strings, so it will be easy to remember every linked areas), at the start of the combat i use a variable check to spawn a background depending on that global variable fork, but this is for 2D environment, i suppose in 3D you could set different battle spots depending on the variable, using the same scene. :)
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You can e.g. set the variable to the scene you want to laod using Trigger Enter interactions.
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Thanks, will try that :)
My old entry for Indie Game Making Contest 2015