i want to make some of defeated enemy drop money or item by 10% only
but it always drooped !!
i do this step :
i check drop money in battle setting to show dropped item.
and i put (0.25) in steal factor in the enemy combatants.
i try also to change attack ability by change steal chance to (10%) but the coin still always dropped !!
i give up :(
Item drops are handled by the combatant's Loot settings, where you can either use the start inventory (where you'll find chance settings) or a Loot table (where you'll also find chance settings) or both.
All of that was explained in the game tutorials :)
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my q is :
i want only (10% ) of defeated enemy drop coin in the ground not all
when i check drop money in battle setting to true its always drop coin from defeated enemy !!
i take about 24 hours to control this , try and modify and show your tutorial video
but it not work !!
Just make sure if you do this, under Loot Settings change the loot origins to "Start Inventory".
you can find the checkbox here
and when i put (0) Gold in start inventory this solve half of problem
and thanks you for that, but now when i make enemy drop coin prefab on the scene ,
it cant add to player money inventory !! i'm using turn based battle
my problem now in the next image :
is't a bug , or i do some mistake i dont no
but i have this Error message before 4 days and it still appear:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
ORKFramework.ORK.get_InventorySettings ()
The error you get can only occur if ORK isn't initialized yet. Do you have a game starter before you reach that scene?
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i want coin and itemes dropped in the ground without player collected by his body but by user clicked or touched ( i use turn based battle )
and put the dropped items and money in the player's inventory.. How ?
i can spawn coins and items by scripting but is there some event to put script in ?
I don't think you want the collector to be an autostart either, probably by an interact or trigger enter instead. It's possible that you're auto-collecting the stuff immediately as it's hitting the ground, rather than waiting for the player.
is this wrong ?
Resources is a special folder path in Unity which allows for certain cases of on demand loading. Certain things that need to be dynamically loaded at run-time have to live inside of a Resources folder path. Just note that anything you put in that folder will always be included in your game build, so don't store stuff in there you're not using.
Can you please explain how you want the battle gains to be collected and what's currently happening?
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Mybe i do some change in ork setting make it dont work or its a bug , untill now i dont know.
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