Hey there!
I'm trying to do as the subject stats to affect the damage of the attack ability. I can get the velocity and angular velocity of the controller as it collides.. but I have no clue how to translate that into a multiplier.
Let's say I have a threshold of 100%. The velocity of 0-10% do nothing. 11%-30% = x.75 multiplier. 31%-60% = 1 multiplier. 61%-80% = 1.25 .. and 81%-100% = 1.5% ..
I'm trying to use this with direct damage and damage zones and I've spent about three days trying to make this work.
Any insight would appreciated.
You'll somehow need to translate the velocity from a Vector3 to a float value and use that to determine the multiplier based on your needs. Store it into a game variable and use the variable in the steps mentioned above.
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