Heya GiL, I was doing some savegame testing today; and I noticed a really weird issue. Upon dying, and auto-loading the last save in ORK; Makinom variables and Makinom object variables were still set, and not reloaded as well(!) This obviously allowed for some pretty big issues to arise.
Looking further, I noticed that in the Plugin Settings in ORK, that I no longer had an option for Makinom cross-saving data! (or forwarding player block, etc).
The option panel still exists in the Makinom side, but not ORK, which is handling the save games.
We're running ORK 2.26.1, Makinom 1.15.0, on Unity 2019.2.4f1. (We usually only upgrade unless we absolutely have to, to keep things stable!)
Was this a known bug that was fixed in further versions? Any ideas?
No errors are being thrown, everything works fine otherwise; but these options are missing and ORK saves don't appear to be saving (or loading!) any Makinom data.
If the settings don't load/show in the plugin's settings, it's because the plugin you defined was not found.
And that's due to defining the wrong namespace - in ORK, the plugin's namespace is MakinomPlugin, as you can see in the plugin's page :)
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Upon enabling it, my player is no longer spawned when reloading an (ORK) savegame.
Moving from scene to scene works fine. Loading scenes works fine. Auto-Reloading the last savegame works fine without the Makinom data enabled. Any ideas?
Edit: Actually, it's something even weirder, she spawns for a few frames, but then her prefab is destroyed for some reason? I'll have to look further into this.
I noticed that for some reason, the Screen Fader is also triggering in Makinom, rather than just ORK, upon loading the scene. So I have two screen faders going at once, right after one another.
It almost seems like Makinom is reloading separately but at the same time, even though I'm reloading it via ORK; and then destroying the Player prefab spawned by ORK. (There is no player prefab set in Makinom)
Edit 2: And problem solved!
For anyone facing a similar issue, make sure to set Makinom save data to NOT save Player position in Makinom Save Settings, as well as eliminating the Screen Faders, since it will try to do both Makinom and ORK settings at once upon reload.
Sorry for the spam, but thanks for being a rubber duck. :D
And that's due to defining the wrong namespace - in ORK, the plugin's namespace is MakinomPlugin, as you can see in the plugin's page :)
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Sure enough, that was the case; the options show up now as you say. :)
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames
Here's something weird, though;
Upon enabling it, my player is no longer spawned when reloading an (ORK) savegame.
Moving from scene to scene works fine. Loading scenes works fine.
Auto-Reloading the last savegame works fine without the Makinom data enabled. Any ideas?
Edit: Actually, it's something even weirder, she spawns for a few frames, but then her prefab is destroyed for some reason? I'll have to look further into this.
I noticed that for some reason, the Screen Fader is also triggering in Makinom, rather than just ORK, upon loading the scene. So I have two screen faders going at once, right after one another.
It almost seems like Makinom is reloading separately but at the same time, even though I'm reloading it via ORK; and then destroying the Player prefab spawned by ORK. (There is no player prefab set in Makinom)
Edit 2: And problem solved!
For anyone facing a similar issue, make sure to set Makinom save data to NOT save Player position in Makinom Save Settings, as well as eliminating the Screen Faders, since it will try to do both Makinom and ORK settings at once upon reload.
Sorry for the spam, but thanks for being a rubber duck. :D
Personal Twitter: https://twitter.com/AMO_Crate
I make RFI! https://twitter.com/NootboxGames