Just updated to version 3.6.0 and its been great. Except after updating to 3.6.0 the Quest HUD appears to display even while empty which it did not before. I have noticed a lot of HUD changes in the latest update so maybe I have missed something.

I've also tried the latest version with the 3D RPG Playground demo, to see if it is just my project and have found the same issue.


Here is the issue in 3D RPG Playground demo
  • Has already been reported in the bug reports, but thanks :)

    It's due to the HUD Quest List component added to the HUD's root (i.e. same game object as the HUD component). The list enables the HUD's game object on it's own even though the HUD isn't open yet.
    Will be fixed in the next update (and other similar issues).
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  • Okay thankyou, sounds good. Do you know approximately when you'll be releasing the next update?
  • Soon-ish ... I'm currently working on a major class system update, next update will most likely come once that's done. Probably in about 2 weeks.
    Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found.
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