Hi, I just had some questions about the UI and was wondering if the following is currently possible, or if there are any workarounds:
- I was wondering if it is possible to have multiple types for items, combatants, equipment and abilities so that they can be better separated with the tabs? For example, an item can have the type "Consumable" and "Monster part". "Monster part" cannot be made a sub-type of "Consumable" because not all monster parts are consumable.
- Multi-level type tabs. So you click on a type, which displays the subtypes of that type?
- Different input prefab for the 1st group box and 2nd group box in the group menu. I was hoping to have the 1st group box display in a list, and then the 2nd group box to display combatants as cards in a grid?
- I know this is possible with the bestiary, but I was hoping to also separate items by the area they are found?
If not, would it be possible to add any of these features in a future update? Thankyou :)
Seems like an interesting feature, though - I'll look into it.
2) No, that's not possible.
3) How the inputs are listed (list or grid) is handled by the UI box (prefab), so that's possible.
I don't think 1st and 2nd box can use different button layouts, I'll look into it.
4) No, that kind of information isn't logged. Items are just added to the inventory, the current area isn't stored for that.
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