edited June 2023 in General Discussion
Hey guys,

I have been talking to GiL (Nicholas) over the past few weeks on a few features that I would like to see implemented into ORK. Currently I am actually still using ORK 2 for my own game however Nicholas has said that any features will be available for both ORK 2 and ORK 3. I doubt many people are using ORK 2 anymore but if there are still a few ORK 2 users out there this could also interest you. Naturally, anyone who uses ORK 3 is going to benefit from this too.

Since the internet can be a dubious place, I might as well briefly introduce myself. I've been using ORK for over 6 years and over those years I have contributed a lot to ORK Framework. Probably more so than the average user really should as the amount of money I have invested into ORK is well into 5 figures.

I have been busy developing my own game over the past few years so I don't frequent the forums as much. I was responsible for funding and designing (alongside Gil) major features such as the Research System, Grid Formation, Top Down Border Camera and to be honest, a host of other things. From Status Value Previews, Exchange Menuscreen, Combatant Consoles, Shortcut Bar, Grid Examine, Line Renderer for Grid Movement, Attacks of Opportunity (Sub-Actions) etc etc etc.

If you are curious as to what I've contributed too, just search Bantichai in the forums. I went above and beyond because I love this framework and I want to see Nicholas continue to develop ORK for years. I've known him for nearly 7 years now and I know it has become a passion for him. He didn't call it "Gaming is Love" for nothing after all.

These features will mostly be geared towards grid combat however more features may come that would benefit everyone.

Recently I just solo funded a new feature, "Item Buyback". This will allow you to easily allow players to buy back items they recently sold to a shop. I'm sure this is something players would request when you ship your own games.

Current Feature List:

#1. Grid Movement Waypoints.

Placing waypoints while selecting the grid move target for the player to follow a route. This is like the XCOM games, where you can plot a path by holding down a key etc. Sure you can manually move as many times as you want but this is a more elegant solution.

#2. Grid Placement Menuscreen.

New menu screen part to let the player define a grid formation that can be used for grid placement. AKA deployment solution. If you ever want to have grid combat with larger parties, eventually someone will ask you for a better option than manual placement. Whilst you can define individual grid tiles for a specific battle group index, that has its limits too.

#3. Randomised Combatant Group.

Optionally define a couple of combatants for a position in a group and selecting one randomly (optionally using chance and conditions). Whilst you can do this manually, it will eventually become very unwieldy as you add more types of enemies. This is useful for more than just grid combat, any type of combat system would benefit from this.

For ORK 3 it will specifically add the ability to define requirements for each randomised combatant within the group. For ORK 2 it will add the ability to define randomised combatants for combatant groups as well as the ability to define requirements on them.

#4. Shop Money Limits.

Currently shops just have unlimited amounts of money so you can dump all your items to one shop. With this feature you can define a hard limit for shops. Via the shop ID you can change the funds amount through events like the shop stock. This means you can set up the shop to restock its funds every week (through events).

Closing Statement:

If you are interested and would like to know the exact quotes, we can start up a conversation and discuss. I love this framework and I hope the community is interested in seeing such features come to fruition. I am also open to discussing other features. This is a group effort. If you want to support Nicholas and ORK framework, please consider.

This isn't the first group commission request. Previous group commissions like Grid Combat were successfully funded. Grid Combat was the main reason why I decided to settle on ORK 2. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be using ORK which also means my money would have gone elsewhere. If I didn't use ORK, I wouldn't have funded all those features I mentioned and especially the Research System which is now a core pillar of ORK 3. So please, consider passing it forward for your fellow ORK users.
Post edited by Bantichai on
  • edited June 2023
    @Bantichai First I want to say I appreciate what you've done to help ORK become what it is today :)

    Can you elaborate on what you mean with #1 and #3?

    #1: Granted the last time I played XCOM was XCOM 1 a while ago, but I'm not sure I remember it being different than what ORK has, I guess is this to be more specific on the route to a desired end point?

    #3: Currently you can use Combatant Groups with a given combatant being random, but other combatants being static. Similarly, Combatant Spawners have a Spawn Random checkbox that will pick from random defined combatant groups in the spawner. How would this be different than what we currently have?
    Post edited by Acissathar on
  • No worries, appreciate you setting up the unofficial ORK discord channel too!

    #1. I believe this was added in XCOM 2 as a heavily user requested feature. An example would be if your combat has "Attacks of Opportunity/Sub Actions" that trigger when a combatant leaves attack range, IE walks by an enemy combatant within 1 tile.

    If you have your grid movement set to find the nearest path in most cases you will walk by that enemy and trigger an AOO attack. You could of course, just allow movement as many times as you want and move tile by tile but this feature will essentially allow you to plot "waypoints" so you can navigate obstacles provided you have the Action Points/Movement for it.

    Furthermore if you decide to have enemies that have a AOO range of more than 1 tile, say 2 (polearm user) or "traps" from grid cell effects you might want to consider this too, especially if you are using the XCOM 2 action system.

    It's a QoL feature, allowing you to adjust the pathfinding for grid movement. When you are clear of enemies you can freely move and find the nearest path, when you want to avoid an enemy/trap you can plot waypoints for an alternative path around the enemy/trap seamlessly without having to move tile by tile.

    #3. I suppose to easiest way to explain is that it would be an in editor time saver.

    Scenario 1:

    For example, let's say you want to define a group of 3 combatants.

    Combatant 0: Bandit Thug
    Combatant 1: Bandit Thug
    Combatant 2: Bandit Thug

    Now within the editor, you could "randomise" it by defining variables for Combatant 0 but you would then also need to define a 4th combatant if you wanted to always keep it a group of 3.

    Combatant 0: Bandit Thug (Bool Off)
    Combatant 4: Bandit Leader (Bool On)

    The more combatants you want in your group, the longer your list is gonna be.

    With this feature, within the position of Combatant 0: You can define Bandit Thug, Bandit Leader, Bandit Captain, set a chance for it to spawn or a variable requirement, define a fallback combatant (similar to conditional prefabs etc).

    Scenario 2:

    Combatant Spawners. The difference is you wouldn't need to set up multiple pre-defined groups for achieving the same thing. That is, if your goal was to spawn a group of 3 bandits, with the chance of spawning a bandit leader.

    1st Group:

    Combatant 0: Bandit Thug
    Combatant 1: Bandit Thug
    Combatant 2: Bandit Thug

    2nd Group:

    Combatant 0: Bandit Thug
    Combatant 1: Bandit Thug
    Combatant 2: Bandit Leader

    So rather than enabling "Spawn Random" to select between the two pre-defined groups, or defining variables, all the "randomisation" would be done within the editor.

    When done within the editor it would reduce clutter when trying to define all the groups within the combatant spawners, give you more control with variables IE if you want to introduce a specific enemy late game within an easier group etc. Otherwise, as far as I can tell you will have a very long list of combatant groups to sort through.

    Scenario 3:

    Battle Component. Let's say you handle the combatant groups here. You could define requirements for each group but in my cases, I have "battle maps" were fights with multiple different factions can occur, stronger enemies being introduced depending on difficulty etc, it results in a very long list.


    It would basically automate all the manual steps you have to do to set up randomising groups and all defined within the editor and reduce the amount of clutter. I think a feature like this would lead to a lot of flexibility.
  • @Bantichai For what it’s worth, I didn’t make the discord, I’m just someone that recently started to talk a lot and answer questions in it haha

    Thanks for the breakdown. I understand what you mean now by #1 and I can see that being useful and desired by the players too, especially if the game is as punishing as something like XCOM tries to be.

    I’m still not sure I’m understanding #3, but maybe it’s because my project isn’t super big at the moment so I’m just viewing it though the wrong point of view (I'm also on ORK 3 fwiw but I'm not sure if this is one of the differences between versions). I could also just be being dense, that's always a possibility too :)

    Using your example group of Bandits, currently we can make a combatant group that has:

    Combatant 0 - Random between Bandit Thug, Leader, or Captain combatant
    Combatant 1 - Thug
    Combatant 2 - Thug

    Using my project as an example, I have Combatant 0 that is random between Enemy Polearm, Enemy Axe, and Enemy Sword and Combatants 1 and 2 are always Enemy Polearm:

  • Hmm interesting on #3, I haven't touched ORK 3 yet so perhaps it is something that's new. What you are showing me is the Editor right? Combatants -> Combatant Groups?

    So you can already define multiple combatants within "Combatant 0"? Can you also already define requirements for specifically "Combatant 0" and each random combatant you've assigned? Or is the requirement just for "Combatant 0" in general.

    If what I'm assuming is correct then I suppose the changes would be different for ORK 2 and ORK 3.

    ORK 2 would have the ability to define randomised combatants within the editor and define requirements for each randomised combatant.

    ORK 3 would have the ability to define requirements for each randomised combatant.

    I'll probably follow up with GiL on this.
  • Small input on #3 - ORK 3 has random combatants in groups, but ORK 2 doesn't. However, ORK 3 just has random combatants, no chance or condition settings as would be part of the new ORK 2 feature (and also added to ORK 3).
    Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found.
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  • edited June 2023
    Thanks for clearing that up GiL, yeah so even in ORK 3 you can have a lot more control over which combatant will spawn with this new feature.

    Will you be able to define a "fallback" combatant if none of the requirements are met, similar to conditional prefabs? Just wanted to double check that, only just popped into my mind as I was typing up the post.
    Post edited by Bantichai on
  • That can be added, currently I had that just as part of the setup (i.e. a combatant without conditions or chance being added).
    Please consider rating/reviewing my products on the Asset Store (hopefully positively), as that helps tremendously with getting found.
    If you're enjoying my products, updates and support, please consider supporting me on patreon.com!
  • So, what are you proposing as far as a fund? Timeline? Etc
  • Well the quotes have already been sorted out so I know how much it will cost, but generally speaking that can be talked about in a private discussion if you are interested in joining.

    Basically if you are interested, then we can further discuss about how much you would be willing to put towards.
  • Another potential feature that I have talked with GiL about is:

    #4. Shop Money Limits.

    Currently shops just have unlimited amounts of money so you can dump all your items to one shop. With this feature you can define a hard limit for shops. Via the shop ID you can change the funds amount through events like the shop stock. This means you can set up the shop to restock its funds every week (through events).
  • #4 I would interested in assisting.
  • edited June 2023
    I have sent you a private message and within that message contains the actual quotes for each feature. If anyone else is interested, let me know and I will happily invite you into the conversation and there we can discuss. I am also open to hearing other possible features.
    Post edited by Bantichai on
  • Sorry to reply late but I would also be interested in assisting with #4 if it has yet to be funded.
  • edited December 2023
    @Bantichai I'm interested in #1 grid move queue for longer/farther than 1 turn like Civilization.

    Not sure if the contribution is within my budget or not if you would PM me an idea.
    Post edited by GeneralK on
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