I've been having an issue with battle spot placement after switching the active character in the field group. As long as the player stays as the "leader" upon the party spawning in and doesn't switch characters, the battle spot placements are working and upon entering a battle, all combatants spawn in their correct spots. However, if I switch to another character before entering battle, the battle spots are all over the place. I tried creating specific "own" battle spots for players 0, 1, and 2 on a specific battle to see if it would force the correct placement, but it was still out of place. I am guessing the problem is arising because when you switch characters on the field, the "leader" is knocked out of place and it isn't assigning the characters the correct numeric positions (0, 1, 2)(?). I am also working with 2D sprite characters in 3D environments so I have to find a way to make sure the battle spots always stay consistent. I can email screenshots if needed.
  • edited July 2023
    Generally, changing the player and leader is the same thing, unless you use a locked non-battle player setup (e.g. as in the 2D Grid Battle RPG tutorials).

    How are you changing the player/leader?
    Also, are you e.g. using conditional battle spots that could depend on the leader?
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • This was my own fault. I just went in and saw that somewhere along the line I made the mistake of adding a battle formation. Once those were removed the battle spots started working again. Thanks!
  • One thing that's an issue: when the battle ends with the BattleEndVictory schematic, with the player group spawned in the field, if the battle ends on a different character's turn it fails to turn off the MoveAI (using A*) and so while you gain control of that character, it will rubber band them to try to follow the former group leader.

    If I add a node to destroy all battle combatants except for the player, it still does this. When I try to destroy all combatants and then spawn ork player and spawn group members, it assigns them new player ID numbers and triggering any battles with specific battle spots will mess up their placements.

    I will keep experimenting later.
  • I fixed the problem by removing all unique battle spots placed in battle objects and got rid of the node in my BattleEndVictory schematic for destroying combatants.
  • Hm, that's strange - can you give me more details on your overall battle setup?
    Placed battle spots should have no impact on move AI after battle.
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  • edited August 2023
    Sorry! Way late in seeing this. I believe the issue had to do with trying to clone a move ai range containing a combatant spawner area and battle rather than build it from scratch. I may have changed a bunch of things in messing around and realized on several clones I had the battle settings grid use type set to "use nearest grid". Also the "keep at center" was unselected. Things have been working alright since I set them back to match the original, pre-cloning. If you would like to see the weird 2D/3D hybrid I am going for I can send a link to a wetransfer with a sample clip. You'd probably catch a bunch of errors/glitches really quick. It's looking great so far, just some little animation issues with the moveai, but that could be because A* doesn't like me drilling holes in the ground and making it all uneven.
    Post edited by jcw586 on
  • I'd love to see that :)
    Let me know if any other issues pop up.
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  • Will do! Email sent
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