edited September 2023 in ORK Support
I want a combatant in the player group to learn an ability, with schematic nodes, and no UI control. I don't know the index of the member in the group. The combatant doesn't spawn in the scene.
By searching the forum there are some posts that mentioned Select Combatant node and Selected Data things, but I failed to do it.

How can I select the combatant in to selected data? so that I can use Learn Ability node to learn ability.
Post edited by bitmore on
  • How are you determining which combatant you want to learn the ability? Is it an item, a level up thing, talking to an NPC, etc? Depending on which one you're after, it might be a little easier to determine how you should be "selecting" them through Select Combatant.
  • There's also the Combatant Selection Dialogue that lets the player use a choice dialogue to select a combatant.
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  • Thanks for your replies.
    After the Player talks to an NPC, the combatant in the Active Player Group will learn an ability, I know the combatant's name but don't know his index in the group.
    The Combatant Selection Dialogue is not an option, what I want is something like get the combatant and store it to Selected Data, and use the Selected Data in the Learn Ability node.
    For now, I can use the Leave Group node to store the combatant to Selected Data, then use the Selected Data in the Learn Ability node, and then re-join the group. But this will change the combatant's order in the group, is there any better solution?
  • You can use the Select Combatant node to get a specific combatant from a group with this setup:
    - enable Use All Combatants
    - select Group combatant scope
    - select Combatant combatant origin
    - select Player object

    This setup so far would store all group members of the player (including the player) into selected data. But you can filter that via the Filter Settings.
    - enable Use Requirements
    - add condition
    - select Combatant Status condition type
    - add status condition
    - select Combatant status needed to check for a specific combatant
    - select the Combatant you want to check for
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  • That's it! Thank you so much.
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