Does one of these exist? and if so can someone point me to it?

I'm just looking for quick basic set up of a turn based 3D grid battle, including any settings I'd definitely need to include, and what needs to be included in the start/end schematics that might be different from a non-grid battle.
  • You can use the 2D grid tutorial, and if you already have a project started can skip most the setup since you should already have that. The actual Grid related part is pretty much the same regardless of dimensions:

    The main difference between non-grid and grid start/end is that in the Start you want to actually display the grid, and then start allowing placement (or automatically placing) for the combatants.
  • Thank you! I saw the 2D grid battle but skipped it because I'm in 3D. But I'll go back and look at that!
  • I've gotten up through the end of the Battle AI part of the tutorial. Note that I'm not using the tutorial assets and haven't set up any of my menu system yet. When I go to playtest moving around on the grid in the battle, the grid-map loads, enemies are placed, and I go into player placement. The moment I select a hex for placement I get the following error in the consol and the game will not move forward in any way:

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.UI.ActiveBattleMenu.Show (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] list, System.Int32 selection, GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.BattleMenuMode mode, System.Boolean restored) (at <6f1b2b7409b84f14a24acdc04828e07b>:0)
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.UI.ActiveBattleMenu.ShowList () (at <6f1b2b7409b84f14a24acdc04828e07b>:0)
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.UI.ActiveBattleMenu.Show (System.Boolean reset) (at <6f1b2b7409b84f14a24acdc04828e07b>:0)
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.UI.ActiveBattleMenu.Show () (at <6f1b2b7409b84f14a24acdc04828e07b>:0)
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Combatants.CombatantBattle.ShowBattleMenu () (at <6f1b2b7409b84f14a24acdc04828e07b>:0)
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Combatants.CombatantActions.Choose (System.Boolean newTurn, System.Boolean autoCallMenu) (at <6f1b2b7409b84f14a24acdc04828e07b>:0)
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.ActionAccessHandler.Choose (GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Combatant combatant, System.Boolean newTurn, System.Boolean autoCallMenu) (at <6f1b2b7409b84f14a24acdc04828e07b>:0)
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.Combatants.CombatantActions.ChooseAccess (System.Boolean newTurn, System.Boolean autoCallMenu) (at <6f1b2b7409b84f14a24acdc04828e07b>:0)
    GamingIsLove.ORKFramework.TurnBasedBattleSystem+d__91.MoveNext () (at <6f1b2b7409b84f14a24acdc04828e07b>:0)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at :0)

    Anyone know what's going on and what I need to do?
  • Is your battle menu set up, including the UI box used by the battle menu?
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  • Not yet. I'll get that set up next then! : )
  • Well, how do you expect it to work without the UI being set up :D
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  • haha. Fair enough. Alright. I've gone through all of the tutorials for setting up menus and set up menu systems for my whole game using the 3D RPG Quickstart tutorials. That problem is resolved, but I do have a new problem. It's likely this will be easily resolved by a tutorial and I just haven't figured out which one.

    I get to the battle, I enter combatant placement, I place my first (and currently only) combatant from the player group in a valid cell, and then it pulls up a menu with nothing on it and there's no way forward. I'm guessing this is a combatant selection menu that hasn't been properly set up yet? Or maybe a menu to select the next combatant I'd like to place (from a list of no others available)? I thought that had been set up at some point, but I can't find where so probably not. Any suggestions on where to look for a basic combatant selection menu set up tutorial for a grid battle? Or what menu this is and what the right tutorial is to set it up properly so I can proceed into the battle?
  • You could place a Unity Console node after your placement node in the schematic to see if the placement finished or if it's part of the placement.
    If you're using phase battles, that player selection for the phase is set up in your phase battle system's settings, in the Phase Settings > Player Combatant Selection.
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  • edited December 2023
    I seem to have resolved that problem. The player combatant selection and grid placement are both successes. Initiative is rolled. And I get to the player's turn.

    But I have a new problem: I can't seem to issue any movement commands. I've double checked the movement schematics, and they're set up the way they are in the tutorial. If I had to guess I'd guess that it's not detecting what cell I'm mousing over (although that is a little difficult to tell, as I I'm not using the cell prefabs from the tutorial and they aren't set up to color shift when selected yet.)

    EDIT: I've also tried using arrow keys to select a cell and then hit the select command and nothing happened.
    Post edited by Whatexists on
  • Is the grid move range set up correctly?
    E.g. check in the running game if the combatant has a grid move range via the inspector (having the combatant's game object selected).
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  • They have a "move range" of 5 under battle information, although it's not listed as a "grid move range" (the "grid" is not there, just "move range". If that matters.)

    Looking at the battle information, it lists:
    Can Choose - False
    Is Choosing - True
    Action Fired - False
    Action State - Available
    Waiting for Action - True
    Auto Attacking - False
    Current Action - -
    Receive Actions per turn - False
    Action Bar - 25
    Used Action Bar - 0
    Action time - 0.0/0.0
    Move Range - 5

    Are either of the bold indicative of a problem?
  • No, they're correct like that since it's already the combatant's turn.

    My next guess would be, that the combatant isn't placed on the grid, so there's no way it can move on the grid. That'd need to be handled in your battle start schematic.
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  • Currently the Battle Start Schematic basically matches the 2d Grid battle tutorial for it, minus the camera stuff. So it goes like:
    Show Battle Grid > Store Music > Play Sound > Wait > Spawn Battle Combatants > Player Grid Placement > (unity console outputs depending on if player grid placement was successful or not.) > Change Music > Change Game State.

    It does say the grid placement is successful in the console when I run the battle. Should I have it delete the existing player combatant objects and then respawn them as part of the battle start schematic? I remember that being a part of my ORK 2 setup.
  • I assume the player grid placement lets you select and place your combatants on the grid?
    Should be working in that case ... might need a test project to check this out.
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  • Alright. I'll see what I can do about that.
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