edited September 2023 in ORK Support
Hello Gil,

One of the problems with Unity is that it doesn't have an integrated system for managing sound ( and vfx ) in animations.
Each developer designs a system adapted to these needs with the basic tools provided by Unity.

In my case, I tried to use the machine animation function combined with the event animation function of Unity (an Event present in the animation triggers a schematic present on the concerned models , thanks to an event animation).
This has advantages (such as managing all the sounds/Vfx of an animation through a single schematic) but it also has the disadvantage of having a very large number of animations machine on a certain model (several dozen?).
Indeed, all animations require different sound and vfx trigger sequences, adjusted to the second.

This is why I wonder if it was possible to have an "is animation Playing" Node, but for mecanim.
I tried the one currently available in ORk but it only seems to work for "legacy" animations.

Thanks to this ("is animation Playing" Node for mecanim) , with very little machine animation, this would make it possible to check in the schematic the animation that is played and configure the needs (sound, vfx etc.) directly in the schematic (for each different animation).
This would reduce the number of machine used for this type of need and keep things clearer and more orderly.

I hope I have been clear and remain available for any additional questions.
I'm also staying tuned to find out how other Ork users manage this aspect of their games.

Thanks in advance.
Post edited by MadMaxx on
  • Would be great if Mecanim actually reported such information ...
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  • @MadMaxx Are you using the ORK Battle Animation schematics on abilities and items? Unless I'm misunderstanding, I feel like that might help out, you'd need a schematic for each animation (you can re-use though if say Potion, Super Potion and Max Potion use the same animation, sfx, and vfx), but you don't need a ton of machines on each combatant.

    You can then specifically call the animation you want to play, and then use wait nodes before spawning vfx / playing sfx to get the timing as exact as you need inside of that schematic without needing to use animation events or external scripting.
  • edited September 2023
    @GIL ah damn I suspected that it was too easy. I tell myself that in reality if it had been feasible you would have implemented it a long time ago... too bad but thank you.

    @Acissathar yes I use the different systems that you describe (item, ability etc.) and with the battle animation system.
    what you indicate is very correct and totally doable.

    I simply thought of another way of doing things because I wanted to keep things more orderly and automated.
    Post edited by MadMaxx on
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