I would like to use the Ork framework to create my game, but the problem is that my combat system is an xcom clone, and the game mechanics of xcom are really unique. So now I'm making my own custom 3D grid. So how possible is it to implement the capabilities of an ork with my grid? That is, I would like to use an AI and skills system (including AOE). And how difficult will it be to make it work together? The question is still vague and abstract, since I’m now on the way to creating a 3D grid and I’m not sure whether I should write my own subsystems such as the turn system, AI, abilities, etc., or whether I can easily make the Ork framework work with a custom 3d grid.
It'd probably be a lot easier to use ORK's grid and add whatever missing functionality you need than write your own grid system.
If you want to use a custom grid, you'd need to implement all of these things (ranges, targeting, movement, AoE, etc.).
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E.g. individual grid cells are just game objects you can move around however you want, and you can also adjust connections between cells to create a grid in whatever form you want, so 3D grids are possible.
Combatants can also occupy multiple cells. Beside using grid size in the combatant's settings (to e.g. have large combatants occupy multiple cells), you can use the Set Grid Cell Combatant node to add a combatant as a Guest on cells.
E.g. you can use cell events on cover cells to have acombatant moving to them occupy the neighboring cover cells as well using this.
You can write your custom grid system, but that's a lot to do and also implement into ORK's system (source code changes needed). It's definitely doable, though.
Altering the existing system ist most likely the easier/faster way.
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