Hello !
I am trying to ensure that a battle (player and enemies defined in advance) is triggered by a click on a button in a scene or via a choice in a dialog choice.
The battle scene itself launches if I launch the scene (battle scene)which contains it with an ork game starter (+startgame schematic in it), on the other hand if I click on the button of another scene which teleports the player into the scene of battle (simple schematic teleport battle start used), once in the scene nothing happens at all.
The combat system used is turn-based and the character is alive(ennemies are a copy of this combattant) in the city before clicking on the button which launches the teleportation.
The default schematic for combat is also the base schematic.
I have another test project that works with a grid battle and the scene itself launches the battle and does not require a schematic in the ork game starter, I don't understand why there are so many differences.
What could be the problem?
Also) note that I am in version 2022.3.10f1 of Unity and 3.16 for ORK on my current project and the project containing a grid battle is on earlier versions (Unity 2021 + ORK 3.14)
Since you said it starts when playing directly in the scene and there's a start game schematic in the game starter - is a start game schematic also used when you start the other way, i.e. a player is actually added to the game?
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I changed it for a battle component and a autostart ,everything work ^^