Asking for clarifications about custom events during specific battles. FYI: B.S. type is Turn Based, Turn Based mode is set to Active and Turn Order has Group Leader First option checked, everything else follows the 2d rpg tutorial. Let's say we have a boss fight where we need a few simple tasks to make it unique: 1) A boss "presentation" (e.g. a dialogue, custom animations) at the beginning of the battle. 2) To check whenever the enemy boss reach 50% hp and start an event on the next turn (e.g. showing a dialogue, change his stats, anims, etc...). 3) An ending event just like the two above.
I can achieve the first one by adding a Battle Turn Start Schematic with my checks in the specified B.S. but maybe this means I should copy a new Battle System for each boss so I guess this is not the correct way to do it.
For the second one, I tried setting a battle AI with a Check Status on Self but it has limitations for what I need to do (e.g. can't call a Show Dialogue) so I guessed its scope is very different from what I want to achieve. I think I need a schematic for this, the problem is that I'm not sure how to tell the system which combatant to check in that battle when I add a Check Status node. Also, I'm not sure where I should add the schematic, maybe I should do all these checks in the same schematic used for boss presentation in Battle Turn Start Schematic option? (or a new machine in this specific battle scene)
Sorry for my confusion but maybe I'm overthinking and just need a few more examples/tutorials to understand schematics/machines and the many small bits of your framework :)
1. For the Battle Start / End dialogue, you can use override schematics for Battle Start and End inside of the Battle Component in the scene. So you could make a new Battle specifically for your boss.
2. Another option would be to start the battle in a schematic itself, you can do the starting dialogue, call the Start Battle node (note the objects will need to be Selected so they can be included in battle), and then add in the ending dialogue after that node as the schematic will be paused until the battle is finished) without needing to include that check in your default start/end schematics.
3. Similarly to Battle Turn Start, each Combatant has a slot for Player/Enemy Turn Start and Turn End schematics (under Base Settings -> Schematic Settings near the top). I would put your special schematic in the Enemy Turn Start/End schematic slot for that boss combatant in the editor, and then you can just do a simple Check Status node that looks at the HP % and then on success give your desired dialogue before continuing on.
Oooh, thank you so much, you've just given me some super useful tips.
So, in short, I can use a Battle Component in the scene to override the Start and End battle Schematics for this special battle, then, I override the combatant Turn Start/End Schematics with my custom ones (I hadn't seen this option at all!). It all looks great from an organizational standpoint as well. Thank you again!!!
Yep, that's the way to go :) Also, the combatant will start selecting actions (and perform them) after the turn start schematic finished.
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1. For the Battle Start / End dialogue, you can use override schematics for Battle Start and End inside of the Battle Component in the scene. So you could make a new Battle specifically for your boss.
2. Another option would be to start the battle in a schematic itself, you can do the starting dialogue, call the Start Battle node (note the objects will need to be Selected so they can be included in battle), and then add in the ending dialogue after that node as the schematic will be paused until the battle is finished) without needing to include that check in your default start/end schematics.
3. Similarly to Battle Turn Start, each Combatant has a slot for Player/Enemy Turn Start and Turn End schematics (under Base Settings -> Schematic Settings near the top). I would put your special schematic in the Enemy Turn Start/End schematic slot for that boss combatant in the editor, and then you can just do a simple Check Status node that looks at the HP % and then on success give your desired dialogue before continuing on.
Oooh, thank you so much, you've just given me some super useful tips.
So, in short, I can use a Battle Component in the scene to override the Start and End battle Schematics for this special battle, then, I override the combatant Turn Start/End Schematics with my custom ones (I hadn't seen this option at all!).
It all looks great from an organizational standpoint as well. Thank you again!!!
Also, the combatant will start selecting actions (and perform them) after the turn start schematic finished.
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