I’ve got 12 Combatants in the scene using move AI. Every few seconds I get 2 cpu spikes which cause a frame hitch from the MakinOmHandler.update. If the combatants aren’t present or I turn off the move AI I don’t get the hitches. I’m using the latest version of ORK 3, real-time battle settings. The combatants are not in combat they’re just roaming or moving to waypoint.
I’ve adjusted the decision times and the component on A*star pathfinding so they’re not constantly checking.
Is there a setting I can tweak for this as 12 combatants isn’t a lot.
Kind regards
Generally, the move AI is only doing detection stuff and lets the movement component know where to move and at what speed.
Also, try using the built-in Default movement component to see if A* pathfinding is responsible for those hikes or if it's the move AI.
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I’ve tried it with the default, the spike is still there but’s it’s not as visible with the frame rate hitch. I have a schematic on the combatants to set up their waypoint every 10-12 seconds. Applying a waypoint seems to make it a lot worse.
I'll look into adding Vector3 options for the node.
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