Because the currency is of int type, the RPG game I made has a relatively large currency value. Is there a compromise solution to display a super large currency value? Such as long.max
I tried modifying the source code of Ork some time ago, but unfortunately, I was unsuccessful.
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The 3D RPG Playground tutorials use this in the equipment menu (and here's the setup of the HUD used as template).
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1. Similar to: I displayed all the current state value attributes on the screen menu. How can I click on this attribute and make it pop up a prompt or dialog box with the description of the state value.
After using the HUD Tooplit component, I placed the mouse over the HUD in the state attribute without any prompts
I also made an additional prefabricated HUD prompt and placed it in UI>HUDs>Hud type Tooplit
To show tooltips on cursor over, you need to have a HUD Tooltip component on that part of the HUD (and on a game object with any kind of graphic, e.g. an Image component or a text).
The tooltip HUD itself also needs to be set up to support showing that tooltip - the default setup should allow displaying all tooltips.
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If a HUD should only display for specific things, you can add tooltip checks here. If no tooltip check is added, it'll display for all tooltips.
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