The Initial Variables are set prior to the start menu when the game is initialized. The Help text says the variables will be kept when starting a new game..." The initial variables appear to be initialized again after choosing new game and then the difficulty level.
In my case they are initialized as floats with a value of 1. I adjust them in the start menu say to .3 and .4 and .5 as an example. They reset back to 1 when I start a new game (and choose a difficulty level).
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Basically, I'm looking for a variable that I can initialize at the start menu and then keep track of that value throughout the game including saves. Maybe I just need to make an auto machine in the start menu scene and have that run at start to set some global variables and use those instead of Initial Variables. I do some more testing. Thank you for your help!
In UI > Save Game Settings you also have options to save game options like language and volumes into PlayerPrefs as well.
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