edited January 2022 in ORK Support
Given a character, i want to create an event that takes this character's class, checks it and, if the current class of the character matches the one expected, shows a different dialogue that would not be displayed if the caracter class is different. But i don't know exactly how to obtain the character's class. I know that i can show it in the dialogue wrinting "#actor.class0#", but...

1. It is possible to obtain a character's class and storing it in a variable using just the event window? Scripting is needed to do that?
2. If it's possible, How may i achieve this?

Thanks! :D
Post edited by iarrans on
  • edited January 2022
    That's a job for the almighty Check Status node (available in events, formulas and battle AIs), which lets you check pretty much all status related things about a combatant - including it's class.

    There's also the Status Fork node doing the same job, but with multiple Next slots, one for each condition.
    Post edited by gamingislove on
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  • Thank you very much, that's exactly what i was looking for! :D

    Now i have a second problem, using the Check Status node:

    The node doesn't check the class properly, since i enter a success test and it doesn't pass the check. Trying to understand why it was failing, I've noticed that the node doesn't let me choose an actor. The select box looks like this, empty:
    Posting image url here, just in case: (https://ibb.co/DMnr21n)

    I thought it was because i only had one combatant, but I've tried having 2 different combatants stored and it still fails.

    Why could this happen? I'm new to the framework and i'm still getting used to it, so i don't know if it's a common problem...
  • That's because you didn't add an actor in the Event Settings node.
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  • Now it works! Thanks again!! :D
    I didn't know that i had to do that in the event settings, lesson learned. :D
  • If you haven't done them yet, I'd highly recommend to go through the game tutorial series to learn using ORK 2.
    They handle all these relevant topics :)
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