• 21) There is the Get Weighted Group node for such cases.
    It uses the largest or smallest weighted group of combatants as targets. A weighted group is based on the physical proximity between combatants, defined by a maximum distance between them.
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  • 22) Comparison tooltips side by side, seen in many PC RPG

    Example, when you mouse over pants1 in inventory, it displays a tooltip of pants1, and then if you already have leg slot equipped it displays a tooltip to the left of pants1 tooltip, that says "Currently Equipped" and shows the stats of pants2.

    I was trying to get Something out of the tooltip for pants1 using ui and action keys, (I'm not sure if the user of tooltip is the menu user or the item?) thinking if I could even get ItemType in to a string I could use that in a fork to find the equipment slot to display lol.

    Also messed around with using Description menu parts to try and display both.

    Any thoughts on how to accomplish something similar?


  • 22) Should be possible by setting that up in your tooltip HUD's prefab (or description menu part HUD stuff).
    E.g. use a HUD Condition component to check if it's an equipment (Shortcut Type condition type with Equipment shortcut type) to show or hide another part of the HUD with that kind of information.
    You can use Content Provider components to use other content information, e.g. the HUD Menu Shop User (Content Provider) component to get the current user of a menu or shop and use that as content for other HUD content components. With that, you can get equipment information from that combatant and display it just like in a combatant HUD.
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  • edited March 26
    Ok great thanks, I'll be trying it very soon as I'm sorely missing that feature lol.

    22) I should have been more specific. The layout is like an MMO where it has character screen showing stats + all equipment slots and an inventory container.

    So with every equipment shortcut displayed at once, I need to be able to get the equipment slot or item type or something to check, from the inventory tooltip, in order to choose the correct shortcut to display as the "currently equipped" portion right?

    Like I need some info from pants1 tooltip that tells which equipment slot to display for "currently equipped", and a place to check it probably (would that be tooltip HUD schem?)

    Or you're saying do it all in HUD conditions? Like If itemtype == legs show shortcut slot equipment legs component?

    Post edited by GeneralK on
  • 22) Hm, yeah, getting the correct slot for the equipment might not be possible currently.
    I'll look into it.
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  • 23) Equipment level up

    I've been searching and can't find a way to have a level up dialogue for equipment. Is there a way to show a UI Box or HUD on equipment level up? Or is it limited to the console text / notifications?


  • 23) That's currently not available. Only combatant level ups can have a dialogue displayed.
    I'll look into e.g. adding a level up schematic for equipment to handle custom functionality like that.
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  • Hi GiL, hope things are going well.

    24) Silly question Status Value resources with lots of combatants (compared to most battle grid examples I've seen)

    I find myself wanting to create more Status Values for specific class items that are player only, for things like ability duration formulas, ability reuse formulas, stuff that is otherwise not an existing Status Value and are "legendary" type powers, etc.

    I guess I'm trying to decide if I should go through the extra steps of a variable for these instead of Status Value so that it is 1-2 variables instead of (1-2 * Every enemy) that does not even need it, but that will entail every item that changes it to have a schematic change the variable.

    I'm doing battle grids with say 50 enemies or so spawned, that will not need these Status Values.

    Is it of any concern memory wise if I'm adding say 8 Status Values to 50 combatants that don't need it?

    Or are we talking it's 32bit Float for the Status Value * 8 * 50 = 1.6kb which is nothing for a PC?

    I don't see a way to add conditions to Status Values. (SV only on X class)

    I am already doing this for class specific Status Values, ie different EXP types and resource types for different classes, that every other class does not use, and it does not seem to matter but I wanted to ask your opinion before I double down on that approach lol.

  • 24) A status value can have a lot of things going on, depending on your system's setup. It also consists of multiple values (e.g. base value, current value, fade values, etc.), so it could even have up to 500+ byte per stat. Still, it's not really much, so even for 50 enemies we're only talking about a few kb.

    So, memory-wise that wouldn't really be a problem on probably any system you can deploy to.

    If a variable would be better depends on the use case, I'd need more infos on how you want to use them :)
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  • Cool thanks for the insight.

    Specifically the equipment I am working on is for increasing the random turn duration of a Status Effect.

    So I thought it would be simple to just change out the random duration values in the Status Effect to a formula that does the random based on min/max Status Values instead.

    The only benefit being not having to use equip/unequip schematics to change a variable I suppose.

    However, if I end up wanting to make more equipment powers that buff duration, I have about 15 damage over time and 15 debuff abilities so that might be a lot of Status Values sitting around messy lol. Not to say I can't boost damage / stat debuff instead of duration, so not all of them have to be duration.

    Maybe I should use Object variables on combatant or Ability variables instead.

    I'm on a push to add a bunch of equipment that does more than simply give base stats (base equipment is already in). So I have a variety of different methods going on like attack/defense status effects, equipment abilities, and then potentially problematic once I get several items for 1 ability; adding another Status Change in the ability itself with a condition to check if the equipment is equipped or a Status Effect is applied, or checking the same in formulas if a Status Change won't work for what I want. ie making a copy of Crit Chance formula to put in an ability that checks for equipment that increases crit chance for only that ability.

    As always thanks for all you do!

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