I'm using an Active time battle system, and I have noticed in play-testing that sometimes the time bars do not pause when the battle menu is open. I cannot seem to figure out what is causing it though, sometimes it happens, but most of the time it is ok. Ive double checked all my setting, the checkbox for pause on menu and pause on action is selected.
I initially though it was something to do with cast times, as many of the skills have to cast for a second or two before it does its action(which maybe was confusing the time calc for the time bar), but I then tested not using any timed skills and it still happened so I don't think that's quite it. At this point I'm at a loss since I can't regularly repeat it but can confirm it does happen on occasion. Not a major priority but I figured I would report it and see if you can dig around and find out why that might happen?
I'll need a test project - could be some settings combination or ability setup, testing with my project will probably lead to nothing :)
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Right now my project is huge with hundreds of skills, monsters, summons etc so I will try and make a smaller test project to demonstrate this bug and send it your way when I get a chance. And thanks for the quick addition of that revive step, works perfectly :)