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  • Also - battle system UI, it’s working now in battle, but having issues with multi box and alignment. Hope to have this working right tonight.
  • Had been working on a time/calendar system, along with seasonal related weather changes. Was working on UI last night, and was caught up in a blizzard of my own making hahahaha. Totally unplayable as I couldn’t even make out my characters - but co…
  • @RustedGames @gamingislove - thank you friends!
  • For me, I feel like they only show up with the ORK component added to the object for the relevant stat etc - but it would be cool to see a whole list and have it easily referenced.
  • @gamingislove - could you give me an example of a couple nodes I’d use to disable the main camera, and flip to the virtual cam of Cinemachine? I haven’t found a node to switch the camera and just looking for an example of which nodes to use. That …
  • @gamingislove - I think where my disconnect has been is a lack of foundational prefab and UI environment scene editing - that and using Unity 2021.3. I ended up getting them to display - going to update this thread later with how I did it, would lov…
  • I did the shader through script - still need some UI guidance though as man thats my struggle hahaa!
  • @Scyra - awesome! Nodes are something - well Schematics in general are something I'd like to see shared more. It's crazy powerful, but you have to understand and learn it to really use it. So as I learn, I'm putting it out there!
  • Thanks for all that! Can we start with - WHAT is a shortcut? is it the shortcut to some data, like why is it called a shortcut. You said Assigned Slot Content Layout can use Shortcut UI, and its where a lot of us get lost, as the tutorial doesn't…
  • @gamingislove - some success based on your advice. I feel very good about laying it out, where I get tripped up is styling of the button. Lets say I want the item icon (like a potion) in the center, info (qty) at the bottom, and name of the item a…
  • Perfect, thanks @gamingislove! I know your working on Shortcut tutorials per some other posts I read in the forum. ORK is absolutely massive, crazy powerful. Since I’m on vacation this week, I’ll be knocking out my UI. I’ll give an update here a…
  • Can anyone attest if this is still valid on ORK3? Thanks! I don’t need drag and drop, going to try scripting for just the grid layout. Didn’t think it necessary.
  • Actually just found this via google, weird it doesn’t show up here right away. However this was done in an earlier ORK before my time - do we still need to script it to get items in a grid?…
  • @gamingislove - so I am still running your 3D RPG Playground Demo. Hacking it up to see how things work etc. I put a ton of debug.log into your CinemachineWrapper, and noticed it doesn't recognize when you change targets. If you look at your code…
  • @gamingislove - I do - followed all your tutorials on it. It's just odd as the wrapper for Cinemachine you wrote works, but only when first loading the scene. If you change characters (new party lead) - again only using the 3D RPG Playground - the…
  • I’m also at loss for this now. Does every camera function in ORK now require special stuff to make the events etc that ORK would do with the buoy in system?
  • I fixed it in a hacky way, by forcing the initialChange bool in the wrapper to false when enabling position and rotation on Enable. This forces the script to perform the initial change again via the override and now I can switch my party leader and…
  • Thanks @gamingislove - it was a late night, and after you answered - it dawned on me that you already answered this for me on a different discussion. But the conditional prefabs is what I was looking for, for when a combatant changes classes. Ap…
  • To be clear - I mean the new outfit shows up on after equipping in the menu screen. Can’t have characters changing jobs from Mage to Knight and only wear his original robes! Hahaha
  • @gamingislove - totally ditched the layers - the new 3.3 override feature is amazing, resolved this entire issue. From a backend perspective, how is it overriding? The reason I ask is since I switch controllers for my now separate battle animator,…