After successfully going through the tutorials a team-mate and i have brought ork in to our project.
Everything is working surprisingly smoothly after integration, however the issue we have run into has been with the camera during testing.
Its not following the spawned main player but is moving freely. Today i've tried re-attaching it to the player like it is done to the head in the 3d playground as shown in the demo etc
Im sure there has to be a solution that im not seeing as i am relatively new to the system, but if anyone here has ideas on how to get the camera following the player that would be great.
  • Hm, hard to say without knowing your used camera control - are you using one of ORK's built-in camera systems or a custom one?

    For custom controls, check out the documentation on player/camera controls.
    Generally, you'd need to register it with ORK/Makinom to be able to block/unblock the camera control when the game should do that. In case some special setup is needed, you can use wrapper components, the documentation has some examples for Cinemachine and OOTII.

    For built-in controls, make sure your player is spawned by ORK (e.g. via the start game schematic and scene changers). If you have some player already placed in your game scene that ORK knows nothing about, it's not recognized as the player's game object.
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  • Thanks Gil we got it working with Cinemachine, that link was useful.
    The only issue we're having now is that after the turn based combat the camera doesn't return back to the player but just hangs there in the scene.
    It looks like the options to point the camera towards the player in the inspector clear for some reason. We can manually point it back at the player and it continues to work fine, but it seems like they clear after battle.
    Is there a setting or node via schematic that we should input to remedy this so that it automatically points back towards the player?
  • I've also found the same thing happens when changing the scene. It doesn't automatically connect to the character, there's also a big black box that appears on the screen when changing scene.
    Im not sure if they're connected issues, but we're having a collaboration to troubleshoot soon so any insight would be quite helpful.
  • edited June 2022
    Hi @GuSt check the Cinemachine Wrapper here: if you are using ORK2 it is just a matter to change namespaces, and few tweaks in the code.

    The black box you see, is the out of the box fade screen behaviour when changing scenes, you can globally disable it, or change it on each SceneChanger Component by ticking the custom fade.

    The Cinemachine Virtual Camera wants to always have a Target, what I normally do is to make it Loot at the SpawnPoint, then the wrapper above will assign the Player when she spawns.
    Post edited by RustedGames on
  • If you're changing the camera target during battle (e.g. via the Battles > Battle Camera settings, or as part of your battle animation schematics), make sure to return control to the player.
    E.g. add a Camera Control Target node to your battle end schematic to reset target back to the player - the wrapper component should handle setting Cinemachine's target. Make sure camera controls are unblocked at that time, though :)
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  • Thanks @gamingislove and @RustedGames both of your comments helped a lot!
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