Hi, this is a more generalized question, but I've been trying to set up a CRPG-style UI something like Divinity Original Sin with ORK's UI system. But it's been a bit of a slog since the official tutorial examples seem to cater more toward JRPG-style games and I've just been combing through the editor and slowly going through a process of trial and error to see what works and doesn't... If anyone has experience with this I would love to get some advice on how to set up this style of UI.... (edited)
[2:15 PM]
Also, I'm in the middle of integrating "Dialogue System for Unity" and "Compass Navigator Pro" which have their own UI elements. Any advice on the best way to integrate 3rd party UI elements to work alongside ORK's UI system would be greatly appreciated as well...
You can have custom/3rd party UI alongside ORK without any issues.
As for general CRPG UI - that's ... hard to say withoug knowing what you want to set up.
Generally, the UI system is pretty flexible and most of it comes down to styling and placement of the content. Using additional content to have stuff displayed on different parts of the UI, or e.g. have multiple information on a button on different parts of it and use HUDs within the menus/buttons.
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So far I have something similar almost working (I have several more specific questions with regard to the individual menu screens. I guess one of the issues that haven't been answered was with the Status Distribution Screen behavior that I wanted. https://forum.orkframework.com/discussion/8023/example-for-status-value-distribution-ui-setup#latest
But I'll repost here.
So the main problems with regard to stats distribution are
- I only want the value input buttons to appear when there are skills points to distribute.
- Also I would like for the stat numbers to have the same behavior as "preview" status values (where they show the added and subtracted values)
- Only when a point has been added I want the cancel button to appear
- I want the distributed points to be applied automatically once the box has been closed.
- Even with the default behavior the confirm button closes all the open boxes at the time. (obviously if the above is possible then this is not a problem...)
As for the rest, yeah ... the stat distribution doesn't work like that.
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You can add custom menu parts via code extensions (see here for a brief info on menu parts).
Probably best to base it off an existing menu part by copying the code and adjusting it to your needs.
Otherwise, yeah, you can also implement a completely custom menu system, as all the content/information can be accessed via scripting.
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